128 research outputs found

    Antecedentes psicológicos de la lesión deportiva

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    Este estudio investigó a largo plazo, en el periodo de una época deportiva, los efectos de los acontecimientos vitales, capacidades de afrontamiento y personalidad en la predicción de las lesiones deportivas en 57 atletas de elite (nivel profesional y,o liga nacional), según lo teorizado en los modelos de Williams y Andersen (1998) y Wiese-Bjornstal y A. Smith (1993; 1998). Los cuestionarios que utilizamos fueron: Sport Experiences Survey (Smith, Ptacek y Smoll, 1992), Eysenk Personality Inventory (Eysenk y Eysenk, 1968), Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (Smith, Smoll, Ptacek y Schutz, 1995) y un cuestionario de datos generales. En una primera etapa intentamos, a través de un análisis de regresión, averiguar el ajuste de nuestros datos a los modelos arriba citados y, en una segunda, la combinación de las variables que identificasen mejor nuestros resultados. Los acontecimientos vitales moderaron las lesiones. El aumento de acontecimientos vitales negativos (EVN) estuvo asociado a mayores tasas de lésion, mientras que el aumento de acontecimientos vitales positivos (EVP) se asoció a menores tasas de lesión. Los más extrovertidos registraron menores tasas de lesión y rehabilitación más eficaces. La extroversión moderó los acontecimientos vitales, reduciendo la influencia de los EVN y originando los EVP. Las capacidades de afrontamiento se asociaron a tiempos de rehabilitación por abajo de los previstos, especialmente la dimensión Libertad de Preocupaciones. La percepción de mayores probabilidades de lesionarse se relacionó positivamente con la tasa de lesión y negativamente con los mejores resultados de rehabilitación.This investigation studied prospectively, during a sport season, the effect of life events, coping skills and personality on the prediction of sport injuries in 57 elite athletes (professional or national team level), as theorized in the Williams and Andersen model (1998). The article includes a brief discussion of some studies that lead to the elaboration of the model, specifically about the components: (a) stress response; (b) history of stressors; (c) personality; and (d) coping skills. We gathered data from: (a) life events (negative and positive); (b) extroversion and neuroticism; (c) coping skills in sport; and (d) demographics and some injury history related items. We have used a corrected injury measure (time loss/exposition time, named injury index) to avoid different practice time bias on our data. Our study has looked, through principal components, comparative, and regression analysis, for the adjustment of our data to the model and, secondly, seeks for a combination of variables that better identify our results. The life events moderated the injuries. Larger results on negative life events (NLE) were associated with bigger injury indexes, and larger numbers of positive life events (PLE) were associated to smaller injury indexes. The most extroverted have showed lesser injury indexes. The extroversion moderated life events, reducing the influence of NLE and enhancing the one from the PLE. The perception of larger probabilities of sustaining an injury was related positively to the injury index. We suggest future studies with prospective designs, with larger samples and repeated measures to build a thorough knowledge about this subject

    Potencial geopolítico da CPLP na segurança internacional

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    The increase in maritime world trade flows and phenomena such as piracy and illegal trafficking require a security policy that is able to prevent global organized crime The Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries has considerable geopolitical assets to be a player in the security challenges, considering that its eight countries have developed the defence policy co-operation and they are members of significant regional organisations.O incremento do comércio marítimo internacional e fenómenos como a pirataria e o tráfico ilegal requerem políticas de segurança capazes de prevenir o crime organizado global. A Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa apresenta caraterísticas geopolíticas para ser um ator no âmbito da segurança, considerando que os seus oito Estados membros desenvolveram uma política de cooperação no domínio da Defesa e integram organizações regionais relevantes

    Perceived Environmental Supportiveness Scale: Portuguese Translation, Validation and Adaptation to the Physical Education Domain

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    Aim: Grounded on Self-Determination Theory, this study aimed to translate, adapt and validate the Perceived Environmental Supportiveness Scale (PESS) in a sample of Portuguese physical education students. Methods: The global sample was comprised of 964 students (518 females), divided in two groups: the calibration (n = 469) and the validation one (n = 483), all of them enrolled in two Physical Education (PE) classes/week. Results: The analysis provided support for a one factor and 12 items model, which are in line with the values adopted in the methodology (χ² = 196.123, df = 54, p = <.001, SRMR = .035, NNFI = .943, CFI = .954, RMSEA = .074, 90% CI .063-.085). Results express that the models are invariant in all analysis (i.e., calibration vs. validation, male vs. female,and 3rd vs. secondary cycle; three and single factor models). Conclusion: The present study suggests that the PESS with one factor and 12 items has good psychometric properties and can be used to assess perceived need supportive motivational environments provided by PE teachers. Additionally, invariance analysis showed support for the use of the scale in both genders and in the 3rd and secondary cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mitochondrial bioenergetics is affected by the herbicide paraquat

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    AbstractThe potential toxicity of the herbicide paraquat (1,1-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridylium dichloride) was tested in bioenergetic functions of isolated rat liver mitochondria. Paraquat increases the rate of State 4 respiration, doubling at 10 mM, indicating uncoupling effects. Additionally, State 3 respiration is depressed by about 15%, at 10 mM paraquat, whereas uncoupled respiration in the presence of CCCP is depressed by about 30%. Furthermore, paraquat partially inhibits the ATPase activity through a direct effect on this enzyme complex. However, at high concentrations (5–10 mM), the ATPase activity is stimulated, probably as consequence of the described uncoupling effect. Depression of respiratory activity is mediated through partial inhibitions of mitochondrial complexes III and IV. Paraquat depresses Δψ as a function of herbicide concentration. In addition, the depolarization induced by ADP is decreased and repolarization is biphasic suggesting a double effect. Repolarization resumes at a level consistently higher than the initial level before ADP addition, for paraquat concentrations up to 10 mM. This particular effect is clear at 1 mM paraquat and tends to fade out with increasing concentrations of the herbicide

    Lesiones deportivas y personalidad: una revisión

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    Aunque existe un bloque de la literatura que estudia la relación entre psicología y lesiones deportivas, los estudios sobre personalidad resistente, ansiedad competitiva y competitividad son muy escasos. Esta revisión sistemática muestra que la información concerniente a estos resulta incompleta y, en ocasiones, es contradictoria. El propósito de este trabajo es revisar la literatura que analiza estos factores psicológicos en las lesiones de los deportistas. Se identificaron estudios significativos a través de una búsqueda sistemática en PubMed y SportDiscus, extrayéndose datos sobre el diseño del estudio, participantes, variables, instrumentos y resultados. Se incluyeron 6 estudios, 2 referentes a personalidad resistente y otros 4 relacionados con ansiedad competitiva, sin encontrar ninguno significativo respecto a competitividad relacionada con lesiones deportivas. La evidencia inicial indica que mayores puntuaciones en personalidad resistente y menores puntuaciones en ansiedad competitiva disminuyen la vulnerabilidad del deportista a padecer lesiones deportivas. Se señalan estadísticamente y se discuten los resultados

    The Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-3) Portuguese-Version: Evidence of Reliability, Validity and Invariance Across Gender

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    This study has as prime objective to analyze the psychometric properties of the Behavioral Regulation Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-3) in a sample of Portuguese exercisers and invariance across gender. Two independent samples (448 calibration; 374 validation), aged between 16 and 78 years (M = 40.29; SD = 16.24), of both gender, (495 female; 327 male) were enrolled in this study. The results show that the original model (six factors; 24 items) did not fit to the data in a satisfactory way (χ 2 = 977.49; df = 237; B-S p < 0.001; SRMR = 0.07; NNFI = 0.80; CFI = 0.83; RMSEA = 0.08; 90% CI = 0.08–0.09). After removing six items (one for each factor), the model (six factors; 18 items) adjustment improved in a satisfactory way in both samples: calibration (χ 2 = 331.86; df = 120; B-S p < 0.001; SRMR = 0.06; NNFI = 0.91; CFI = 0.93; RMSEA = 0.06; 90% CI 0.06–0.07) and validation (χ 2 = 254.08; df = 120; B-S p < 0.001; SRMR = 0.04; NNFI = 0.93; CFI = 0.95; RMSEA = 0.06; 90% CI = 0.05–0.06). Results also showed model invariance across gender (1CFI ≤ 0.01). The Portuguese version of BREQ-3 (six factors; 18 items) is a valid and reliable measurement instrument to measure behavior regulation underlying self-determination theory in the exercise domain. However, the evidence also indicated that additional studies are needed to address the fragilities of the original model (six factors; 24 items).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Europa ‘regressa’ ao Atlântico

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    A política europeia está de regresso ao Atlântico. A União Europeia (UE) aprovou a Política Marítima Integrada Europeia (2007), sob proposta da Comissão Barroso, recentrando uma UE que nos últimos alargamentos se voltara a Este. Entretanto, UE e Estados Unidos iniciam a negociação de uma parceria transatlântica de comércio e investimento que tem uma réplica UE-Canadá, projeto já apelidado de “NATO económica”. Eis se não quando a Rússia anexa a Crimeia e a guerra civil na Ucrânia ressuscita a geopolítica e a verdadeira NATO (Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte) recupera a sua importância geoestratégica. O Atlântico, ultrapassado pelo Pacífico em termos de relevância político-económica, face à emergência da China como ator global, é de novo o centro das atenções. Membro fundador da NATO (1949) e Estado membro da UE (1986), quais as potencialidades e vulnerabilidades de Portugal neste novo cenário geopolítico e estratégico que tem a Europa no seu epicentro

    Desafios da segurança marítima portuguesa: triângulos estratégicos

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    Portugal é um dos países da União Europeia com maior zona económica exclusiva, fruto da extensão do seu triângulo estratégico nacional: continente-Açores-Madeira. A importância geoestratégica do arquipélago dos Açores, no período da guerra fria, abriu a Portugal as portas da OTAN, da qual foi membro fundador (1949), apesar do regime autoritário vigente nessa época. País de tradição ultramarina, desde o século XV, só integra as Comunidades Europeias em 1986, depois da democratização do regime (1974) e da descolonização que lhe sucedeu. Desta resultaram novos Estados, em três continentes, que com Portugal formaram a Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa (1996) que tem como principal motor o triângulo Portugal-Brasil-Angola. Com base numa análise geopolítica evidencia-se que o triângulo OTAN-UE-CPLP é o complemento multilateral para a segurança do território português, máxime no espaço vital que representa o mar

    Sing4Health: protocol of a randomized controlled trial of the effects of a singing group intervention on the well-being, cognitive function and health of older adults

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    Singing is a multimodal activity that requires physical, cognitive and psychosocial performance, with benefits to various domains of well-being and health in older adults. In recent years, research has increasingly studied group singing as an important cost-effective intervention to promote active and healthy aging. However, the specific factors responsible for these benefits need further experimental support, as most studies do not allow for causal inferences. This study responds to the need for further randomized controlled trials (RCT), with follow-up measurement, on the benefits of group singing in older adults from a low socioeconomic background. Also, while most studies often focus on specific outcome measure dimensions, in this study, the conjoint effect of several physical, psychosocial, psychoemotional and cognitive dimensions are analyzed, testing mediation effects of psychosocial and psychoemotional variables on the well-being and health of the participants.Counsil of Ministers Resolution Nr. 195/2017, Project Nr. 626, Dispatch N° 11409-C/2017, Coordenado pela DGArtesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lesions esportives i personalitat: una revisió sistemàtica

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    Tot i que hi ha un bloc de la literatura que estudia la relació entre psicologia i lesions esportives, són molt escassos els estudis sobre personalitat resistent, ansietat competitiva i competitivitat. Aquesta revisió sistemàtica mostra que la informació relativa a aquests estudis és incompleta i, a vegades, contradictòria. El propòsit d’aquest treball és revisar la bibliografia que analitza aquests factors psicològics en les lesions dels esportistes. S’identificaren estudis significatius a través d’una cerca sistemàtica a Medline (PubMed) i SportDiscus, i s’extragueren dades del disseny d’estudi, participants, variables, instruments i resultats. S’inclogueren 6 estudis, 2 referents a personalitat resistent i 4 relacionats amb l’ansietat competitiva, sense trobar-ne cap de significatiu que es refereixi a la competitivitat relacionada amb les lesions esportives. L’evidència inicial indica que les puntuacions majors en personalitat resistent i les menors en ansietat competitiva disminueixen la vulnerabilitat de l’esportista a patir lesions. Es mostren estadísticament i es discuteixen els resultats